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Hastable Leather Candle 皮革蠟燭證書課程

Hastable Leather Candle 皮革蠟燭證書課程
Hastable Leather Candle 皮革蠟燭證書課程


在Hastable Leather Candle 課程中,學生將會學習運用不同蠟材及特別方法製作皮革紋路及質感、皮革顏色調配及配飾使用等。此課程是HMC大師證書課程中選修課之一,報讀大師證書課程的學生更可享有學費折扣!



  1. 基礎皮革蠟燭

  2. 皮革包裝蠟燭 A - 皮套蠟燭

  3. 皮革包裝蠟燭 B - 皮革香氛掛飾

  4. 皮革蠟燭創作


  • 皮革蠟燭材料及用具介紹

  • 皮革紋理製作

  • 蠟燭裝飾技法

  • 不同形狀包覆皮革技法

  • 圓柱形加蓋技法

  • 特殊造型包覆皮革技法





Softer and more textured than real leather, leather texture can be freely chosen according to personal preferences.

In the Hastable Leather Candle course, students will learn to use different wax materials and special techniques to create leather textures and textures, mix leather colors, and use accessories. This course is one of the elective courses in the Hastable Master Certificate Program, and students enrolled in the Master Certificate Program can enjoy a tuition discount!

Upon completion of the course, students can apply for a certificate from the association to become qualified instructors and apply for certificates for their own students. The certificate will recognize the students' works and teaching, providing recognition and professionalism.

Course Projects:

  1. Basic Leather Wax Candle

  2. Leather Packaging Candle A - Leather Sleeve Candle

  3. Leather Packaging Candle B - Leather Fragrance Hanging Decoration

  4. Leather Wax Candle Creation

Key Learning Points of the Course:

  • Introduction to leather wax candle materials and tools

  • Creation of leather textures

  • Candle decoration techniques

  • Techniques for covering leather in different shapes

  • Techniques for cylindrical-shaped lids

  • Techniques for covering leather in special shapes

Class Schedule: Classes can be arranged from Monday to Sunday.

Course Duration: Approximately 4 hours (depending on the student's progress).

This course provides one-on-one instruction.

Our workshop holds a valid business registration 📝 and a business bank account 🏦

Please feel free to contact us via direct message (DM) for more information on the schedule and certificate course fees.


Hastable Leather Candle 皮革蠟燭證書課程
Hastable Leather Candle 皮革蠟燭證書課程

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